novel furfural process technology

International Furan Technology (Pty) Ltd ("IFT")

Independent developer and implementer of furfural process technologies (since 2001).

Our knowhow enables us to connect all the "dots" and provide complete technology & business solutions for the manufacture of furfural.

competent & talented professionals • strong technology core

Converting Biomass to Chemicals and Energy

Converting Biomass to Chemicals and Energy: Viable and practical solutions for the complete beneficiation of cellulosic material.

IFT has solid technical expertise in the bio-renewables space. Since the 1970/80s, its engineers, scientists and project professionals have been involved in the biomass-based chemical industry (furfural/sugar, ethanol, pulp & paper, etc.) and in electricity generation from direct combustion.  Our experience covers R&D, production and projects and we operate globally (e.g. Africa, India, Australia, South and Central America, USA/Canada, Switzerland, Emirates, China and Russia).

intellectual capital to build & operate bio-refineries


FOUR PILLARS: Exceptional & experienced team members • Professional and technical competence • Passionate about biobased chemicals, especially furfural • Focused on delivering practical solutions (that have a socio-economic impact)

We offer a proprietary, custom-made approach for the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into value added products, with a special focus on furfural and its many by-products. We share our vast technical and project implementation knowledge base (technology, trade secrets, etc.) and intellectual capital (e.g. market, products, technology, CAPEX and OPEX data) under a fee-for-service agreement e.g. for scoping studies, viability assessments, diagnostic studies, project development plans, process design packages, pre-feasibility studies, bankable feasibility studies, marketing & sales plans and business plans. We structure the agreements in accordance with the required scope of works and in the context of the business relationships.

innovate • develop • trade • biorenewables • globally


Since 2008, IFT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DalinYebo Trading and Development (Pty) Ltd. DalinYebo's business activities range from conceptualisation to operating of biorefineries, produce and sell furfural, its many by-products and energy. Besides multidisciplinary technical and project implementation expertise, DalinYebo also undertakes all activities from product market studies to global sales.

DalinYebo News & Views Blog

How Green is Biomass?

30.11.2022 | Blog
It is very green, as long as you turn it into value-added products (like furfural or Hydrogen/Biochar), as opposed to just burning it! A very good question! .. .. that is attributed to Jane Marsh in an article published by BioEnergy Consult asked. Jane
100 years ago, the first commercial production of furfural started in the USA.
Schematic illustration of lignocellulose ( After Ethanol, Furfural is the second oldest commercially produced initial platform chemical (IPCs) made from lignocellulose.

(Furfural) Biorefinery 101: Start Simpler

11.06.2019 | Biobased Chemicals
Keep it simple! Making furfural is not rocket science.
It's all about the integrating furfural production into the mass and energy balance of a pulp or sugar mill, Modern Brazilian sugar mill (Image: DalinYebo) Integrate Furfural Production into Pulp or Sugar Mills Over the years, there have been many...
The total operating cost (raw materials, utilities, fixed costs and depreciation costs) estimated to produce PEF was about $2,700/ton in Q2 2015.
FDCA to PEF (Polyethylene Furanoate) A Production Cost Analysis Analyses and models prepared on the basis of publicly available and...
However, bio-degradation of PET will result in breakdown products such as methane or (at best, if methane is recovered/converted to) CO2, the so called Greenhouse Gases, which in this case a derived from oil.
Biodegradable PET (Image: A Cradle to an End-of-Life Solution for Billions of Plastic Containers The article “LVF Introduces BreakdownPET, an...

Contact us

International Furan Technology (Pty) Ltd:
PO Box 2737, Westway Office Park, 3635, Republic of South Africa.
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