Furfuryl Alcohol Drives the Global Demand Growth for Furfural to Reach 455k Metric Tons by 2024 – Market Report (2018-2024)

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The global market report reviews, analyses and projects the Furfural and Furfuryl Alcohol market for global and the regional markets including the North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Rest of World for the period 2015-2024 in terms of volume (metric tons) as well as value (USD).

The regional markets further analyzed for 20 independent countries across North America – the United States, Canada and Mexico; Europe – Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom; Asia-Pacific – China, India, Japan, South Korea and Thailand; South America – Argentina and Brazil; Rest of World – Iran, Saudi Arabia and South Africa. The Furfuryl Alcohol regional markets analyzed for 17 independent countries across North America – the United States, Canada and Mexico; Europe – Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom; Asia-Pacific – China, India, Japan, South Korea and Thailand; South America – Argentina, Brazil and Chile; and Rest of World – Turkey.

Furfuryl Alcohol Drives the Global Demand Growth for Furfural to Reach 455k Metric Tons by 2024 – Market Report (2018-2024) Industry Experts

Industry Experts, Inc. introduced the global market report on Furfural. The new and an exclusive market research report entitled ” Furfural and Furfuryl Alcohol – A Global Market Overview ” reveals that the Furfuryl alcohol constitutes the largest application segment for furfural and the trend is likely to continue in the future. This is substantiated by the fact that over the 2018-2024 forecast period, demand for furfural in the production of furfuryl alcohol is anticipated to maintain a faster growth than other applications.

Furfural, also widely known as furfuraldehyde or 2-furaldehyde, is a clear, colorless motile liquid with an aromatic odor reminiscent of almonds. Furfural is produced from agricultural waste biomass, such as corn cobs, sugar cane bagasse, rice and oat hulls, and wood chips, which contain pentosans (xylan, arabinan and polyuronids), the complex carbohydrates contained in the cellulose of plant tissues. Asia-Pacific is the largest furfural consuming region in…

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Source:  https://dalinyebo.wordpress.com/2019/04/26/furfuryl-alcohol-drives-the-global-demand-growth-for-furfural-to-reach-455k-metric-tons-by-2024-market-report-2018-2024-by-industry-experts-inc/

Furfural: The (Promising) Platform Chemical

Abstract Image (pubs.acs.org)

Furfural chemistry is one of the oldest biomass-derived platforms for synthetic products like resins, plastics, polymers, etc.

Editor’s Note: Furfural is actually not a ‘promising’ platform chemical as 100s (I google it!) of scientists say when they publish research in the furfural space. Furfural chemistry has evolved since furfural was first made commercially in the 1920s. The first Nylon stocking was made from furfural-derived derivative in the mid-50s. Very soon, however, large-scale nylon production was switched to cheaper oil-based chemistry. The barrier to large-scale use of furfural has always been its costs.

It is ‘promising’ to see the amount of research taking place furfural at the centre. It hopefully will reduce the costs of making the many furfural by-products (derivatives).

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DalinYebo: Bioeconomy Consultants

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Furfural: The (Promising) Platform Chemical was originally published on DalinYebo.com: Bioeconomy Consultants : Innovative Minds




Source:  https://dalinyebo.wordpress.com/2019/04/11/furfural-the-promising-platform-chemical/

Corncob Security

Field Cobs

Not much has changed since the 2015 study: Corncob prices still dominate the base price of furfural

The current high furfural price levels are the result of the short supply of furfural from China due to enforcement of environmental compliance by the furfural factories. There are many smaller factories that have either permanently shut down or have to invest in waste treatment technologies.

The study found that there is sufficient supply of corncobs. This is mainly due to the 2007 implementation of the national maize stockpiling program, in order to ensure national food security and create/maintain jobs in rural areas (download the report on this subject).

About Biomass & Furfural

  For owners of biomass we offer technology and market access, creating investment opportunities in the cleantech space. Contact us to discuss the potential your biomass has for the production of furfural.

  Bagasse, Corncobs, Sunflower Husks and more ..

Also refer to the other articles and/or downloads that we published in our series on “biomass for furfural” production that provide our clients with updates and analysis on the fundamentals and competitiveness of a variety of feedstock.


Corncob Security was originally published on DalinYebo.com: Bioeconomy Consultants : Innovative Minds




Source:  https://dalinyebo.wordpress.com/2019/04/06/corncob-security/

Australia: Sugar set for ‘Energycane’ Reinvention Australia: Sugar set for ‘Energycane’ Reinvention

Sugarcane is ideal for renewables because it is fast-growing with abundant biomass. Besides sugar and cellulose, its hemicelluloses (or the so called 5-carbon sugars, Pentoses) are an ideal feedstock to make furfural (one of the oldest bio-based chemical building blocks).

Australia: Sugar set for ‘Energycane’ Reinvention was originally published on DalinYebo.com: Bioeconomy Consultants : Innovative Minds




Source:  https://dalinyebo.wordpress.com/2019/03/26/australia-sugar-set-for-energycane-reinvention/

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