
“Connecting the Dots – Creating Biobased Businesses”

At DalinYebo we are well experienced to connect the many “dots” of the value chains that every successful bio-based business needs:

->Biomass Valorisation: Field -> Processing -> Market

->Commercialise Knowhow: R&D -> Technology Development -> Commercialisation

In addition, we know what it takes to get solutions financed and are determined to contribute towards achieving the socio-economic goals that go hand-in-hand with a green economy.

Find out more at


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“4 Platforms: Sugarcane/Sorghum, Ag.-Residues, Cellulosic/Pulp and Bio-digestion”


Most biorefineries define “the purpose of pretreatment is to destroy the structure of cellulosic biomass plant cell walls and make cellulose more accessible to the subsequent process“[1]. A variety of schemes have been developed, but none of them specifically targets the recovery of the hemicelluose (and the lignins) at that stage. In contrast, DalinYebo’s sole interest is the conversion of the pentosans, i.e. the majority of the hemicelluloses, into value added chemicals, thus removing them from the biomass. The resulting residue is then available for upstream processing and can be conditioned for specific applications.

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Turning (perceived) Costs into Revenue

The core of our pretreatment platforms is the production of furfural. Whilst we have a preference for certain biomass feedstock, our R&D and project experience has provide us with vast knowhow to determine The-Right-Balance™ for any biorefinery in terms of the mass and energy balance, which determines the economics of a biorefinery. By producing a salable product – for which we have market access – we turn what currently is perceived to be a cost into revenue in support of the production of its principal product (e.g. bio-ethanol, cellulosic ethanol, bio-diesel, bio-gas, green electricity, dissolving pulp, etc.)

4 Platforms

The links below will take you to our µ-BioRefinery™ site.

-> Sugarcane (incl. sweet stem sorghum)


-> Agricultural residues (corncobs, sunflower husks, rice husks, oat hulls, etc.)


-> Cellulose (tree tops and limbs, pulp mill liquors and/or waste water, cellulosic ethanol pretreatment)


-> (Chemical-) Thermo-Mechanical Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biodigestor feeds


[1] Zhaohui Tong, assistant professor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.


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Gianluca Marcotullio  @ UNECE/FAO Workshop St. Petersburg, May 2013
Click here to go to the presentation
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Index & Links

  • A network of knowledge for Furfural technology
  • Biorefinery
  • Lignocellulosic biorefineries
  • Furfural Important dates
  • Biorefineries based on Furfural production
  • Present-day

Continue ☛

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DalinYebo’s µ-BioRefinery™ makes use of simple, fit-for-purpose processing equipment that is installed close to the biomass source to produce bio-renewable chemicals and biobased electricity. µ-BioRefinery™ is based on a smart down-scaling and integration of proven existing technologies (and their mass and energy balance). It will bring benefit to:

  • Sugarcane (incl. sweet stem sorghum) farmers .. especially the small scale growers
  • Agricultural residues (corncobs, sunflower husks, rice husks, oat hulls, etc.)
  • Cellulose (tree tops and limbs, pulp mill liquors and/or waste water, cellulosic ethanol pretreatment)

µ-BioRefinery™ is ..

Small and viableScalable and/or Replicable

For more information ..

.. contact us or follow our tweets etc.

* see our apology to the Scholars of Latin and Greek.


via µ-BioRefinery™ News

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